At Cardboard, we've been in your shoes.

We've grappled with the complexities of managing SaaS subscriptions in past roles, and we believe it doesn't have to be this hard.

Traditional solutions in the market often felt elusive and burdened with top-down procedures, offering little joy to the end-user. This sparked the idea for Cardboard. Our goal is simple: take away these headaches and make SaaS management straightforward and even enjoyable.

Rooted in a love for simplicity and a good user experience, Cardboard aims to make your life easier. From Norway to the world, we're excited to redefine how businesses interact with software subscriptions one company at a time.

Our investors

We're backed by investments from Sondo Capital and ProVenture, a grant from Innovation Norway, and a number of angel investors, including founders of Oda, Otovo, Wanda, and Xeneta.

The team

Andreas Røyrvik

Co-founder /
Chief Product Officer

Andreas is a software engineer with an eye for product and passion for startups. Having helped build Otovo from the start, to being live in 13 markets across Europe, Andreas has encountered many of the common challenges involved when startups turn into scaleups.

Fredrik Hertzberg

Account Manager

Fredrik is an experienced account manager with experience from tech companies. Starting at Otovo, he moved to Empower and Flyt Utvikling, focusing on larger business clients. He excels at translating customer feedback into product improvements, enjoying direct user interaction.

Jakob Gerhard Martinussen

Co-founder /
Chief Data Scientist

With a background in applied mathematics, Jakob was the first data scientist at Otovo, automating the expensive planning process of solar roof installations, before he built and optimized automated fulfillment centers at Oda.

Lars Syse Christiansen

Co-founder /

Lars is an experienced executive and founder, previously as CFO of Storebrand Bank and Circle K Europe, and more recently as a founder of the successful Norwegian startups Otovo and Wanda.

Stein Magnus Jodal

Co-founder /

Stein Magnus is a software engineer who has built everything from electric utility billing and grocery procurement systems to video conferencing and hardware products. As an early employee at both Otovo and Oda, he is experienced in building and scaling software-intensive companies.

Vidhi Kumar

Co-founder /
Chief Growth Officer

With a wealth of global experience across industries and markets, Vidhi is a seasoned marketing and growth professional who has led key functions across L'Oréal, Ashok Leyland, as well as innovative Norwegian startups, most recently as CMO at Farmable.

In the press

Tar opp kampen mot galopperende softwarekostnader

Finansavisen  ·  15 Jun 2024

– Bedrifter er opptatt av å forhandle husleiekontrakter, men at de kanskje betaler dobbelt så mye som de trenger for ulike software-abonnementer vet de ikke engang, sier Cardboard-gründer Lars Syse Christiansen.


Seriegründer og utviklertrio fra Oda og Otovo med ny startup som skal løse bedriftenes abonnement-kaos

Shifter  ·  3 Aug 2023

Her er detaljene om den nye Saas-satsingen som har overbevist Sondo Capital, Proventure og en rekke tek-profiler om å satse syv millioner kroner kun et halvt år etter oppstart.


Ready to make the shift?

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